
Lady Gaga: Mad Hatter

There's finally a successor worthy of the late Isabella Blow's Crazy Hat Wearer accolade: Lady Gaga.

Not since the late Isabella Blow championed lobsters and ships as acceptable head-gear has there been a barmy hat wearer of note - until Lady Gaga.

Take the pink fascinator she wore in London yesterday, which resembled a Godzilla-sized sperm (she's going heavy on the advertising to make us buy her semen-scented perfume . Maybe). Or the bird feather and deer antler mash-up that looked like Frankenstein's wet dream. Or the Blow-riffing pimped-up diamond lobster. Or any hat she has ever worn.

The sperm and lobster creations are by Blow favourite Philip Treacy, he of the Princess Beatrice's toilet seat/uterus/Sauron's eye wedding-hat fame. Gaga reportedly submitted her CV for an internship with him in May, which he confirmed in an interview with The Guardian : "She plans to. She's already visited me…She is young, talented and peculiar - which I like."

Here's an idea to get her started: how about a hat shaped to look like Gaga wearing a hat? The levels.